September 07, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") announces coommerical packaging solutions for formulation manufacturing. Completing the prefabrication process for this commercial package ahead of time will help shorten the overall manufacturing cycle. Samuel, founder and CEO of BioSpring, said: “BioSpring can help customers overcome the challenges of formulating, processing and scaling up manufacturing of generic drugs.” Days it takes…
September 08, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching Tadazen (tadalafil) tablet for customers, which will be available in a single strength of 20mg, and each box of tadazen includes 8 tablets.It is a tablet taken by mouth. Onset is typically within half an hour and the duration is up to 36 hours. This product is manufactured and produced by…
September 14, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") launches New Product Packaging for SaiLin's Global Market Customers. This product packaging upgrade is to fulfill the previous promise of BioSpring's acquisition of SaiLin, and will continue to provide follow-up support and services to Sailin's global customers. The batch will use Biospring's anti-counterfeiting verification system. Including the following 7 anticancer drug…
September 20, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching Bioscovy (emtricitabine 200mg/ tenofovir alafenamide 25mg) tablet for customers, each box of Bioscovy includes 30 tablets. It is a tablet taken by mouth. Bioscovy for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a once-daily prescription medicine for adults and adolescents at risk of HIV. Bioscovy for PrEP is not for everyone: It is not…
October 05, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching BIOPALB (Palbociclib 125mg) capsules are indicated for the treatment of adult patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) advanced or metastatic breast cancer (mBC) in combination with: an aromatase inhibitor as initial endocrine-based therapy in postmenopausal women or in men, or fulvestrant in patients…
October 06, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching BIODEUCRA (Deucravacitinib 6mg) tablets for the treatment of adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. Deucravacitinib, a first-in-class, oral, selective, allosteric tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) inhibitor, is the first approved TYK2 inhibitor worldwide and the first innovation in oral treatment for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis…
November 07, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching BIOMOB (Mobocertinib 40mg) capsules for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20 insertion (Ex20ins) mutation. Mobocertinib is a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Its molecular target is epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) bearing mutations in the exon 20 region.Mobocertinib is an irreversible kinase inhibitor, forming a covalent…
November 20, 2022, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching BIOVENTOC venetoclax 100mg) tablets for the treatment ofchronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) . Venetoclax (brand name Venclexta) is a prescription medication used for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL), and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It is an oral small molecule inhibitor that targets the B-cell…
Trametinib and dabrafenib are prescription medications used in combination to treat a specific type of skin cancer called melanoma that has a specific mutation called BRAF V600E or V600K. Dabrafenib is a selective inhibitor of mutated BRAF kinases, which are involved in cell growth and survival. Trametinib is a selective inhibitor of MEK, which is a downstream target of BRAF…
1. 主要靶點:EGFR,T790M,體外試驗中,AZD9291在臨床相關濃度還可抑制HER2,HER3,HER4,ACK1和BLK的活性。 2. 適應症和用途:對表皮細胞生長因數受體(EGFR)酪氨酸激酶抑制劑(TKI)治療有抵抗的EGFR T790M突變陽性、手術無法治癒的或復發性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)。 3. 劑量:每日80mg,口服一次(腦轉移患者通常100mg起),直至疾病進展或發生無法耐受的毒副作用。 4. 給藥方法:空腹或與食物同服。如漏服一次,不必補服,下次服藥時間按計畫服用即可。對於有吞咽困難的患者,可用約50ml水(勿使用碳酸溶液)完全溶解藥物後口服或通過鼻咽管給藥。 5. 常見不良反應5.1 常見不良反應(>20%)及處理 a. 腹瀉(42%)。應避免過食或進食不易消化的食物,可酌情服用斯密達(蒙脫石散)、易蒙停(鹽酸洛呱丁胺膠囊)或遵醫囑對症治療。嚴重者注意預防脫水和電解質紊亂。 若腹瀉嚴重,或伴嘔吐、消化道出血、少尿、無尿甚至休克時,應禁食,立即靜脈滴注大量液體維持水和電解質平衡,靜脈滴注多種維生素,有低鉀血症時還須補鉀。重症患者可考慮短期應用糖皮質激素,以減輕中毒症狀。 b. 皮疹(41%)。可用百多邦(莫匹羅星軟膏)外塗患處預防感染。 c. 皮膚乾燥(31%)。可用維生素E軟膏外塗患處。 d. 指甲毒性(25%)。預防甲溝炎,可修剪指甲,避免甲緣嵌入皮膚。已發生化膿的,可用碘伏塗抹患處,或用頭孢類或左氧氟沙星藥物粉末敷於患處。 5.2 導致藥物減量和治療中斷的不良反應: a. 心電圖QTc間期延長(2.2%)。常見指征包括頭暈,昏厥和頭重腳輕感。對於有QTc延長病史的患者,應監視心電圖和電解質。 QTc間期延長可能發生威脅生命的心律不齊的患者,應永久地終止9291給藥。 b. 心肌病變(1.4%)。其中0.2%為致命性。常見指征包括但不限於心衰,肺水腫,左心射血功能(LVEF)減低或應激性心肌病變。 應在9291治療開始前和用藥後每3個月,通過超聲心動圖或多門控探測掃描(MUGA)評估LVEF。如射血分量較治療前降低10%或低於50,應停止9291給藥。對於在4周內無法解除症狀的充血性心衰,或持續的無症狀的左心射血功能障礙,應永久地終止9291給藥。可預防性服用輔酶Q10每日100-300mg。 c. 中性粒細胞減少(1.9%)。遵醫囑進行對症治療,防止感染。 d. 間質性肺炎(ILD,3.3%)。其中0.5%為致命性。可能指示ILD的指征包括但不限於呼吸困難,咳嗽和發熱。如確診ILD,應永久地終止9291給藥。 6. 藥物相互作用 6.1 強CYP3A抑制劑。可能增加AZD9291的血藥濃度,應避免二者同服。強CYP3A抑制劑包括大環內酯類抗生素(如,泰利黴素),抗真菌藥(如,意曲康唑),抗病毒藥(如,利托那韋,奈法唑酮)。 6.2 強CYP3A誘導劑。可能降低AZD9291的血藥濃度,應避免二者同服。強CYP3A誘導劑包括苯妥英鈉,利福平,卡馬西平,聖約翰草等。 6.3. 間質性肺炎(ILD,3.3%)。其中0.5%為致命性。可能指示ILD的指征包括但不限於呼吸困難,咳嗽和發熱。如確診ILD,應永久地終止9291給藥。 7. 藥物相互作用 7.1 強CYP3A抑制劑。可能增加AZD9291的血藥濃度,應避免二者同服。強CYP3A抑制劑包括大環內酯類抗生素(如,泰利黴素),抗真菌藥(如,意曲康唑),抗病毒藥(如,利托那韋,奈法唑酮)。 7.2 強CYP3A誘導劑。可能降低AZD9291的血藥濃度,應避免二者同服。強CYP3A誘導劑包括苯妥英鈉,利福平,卡馬西平,聖約翰草等。 7.藥物儲存。將AZD9291放置於25°C乾燥避光環境下。臨時攜帶藥物外出時允許溫度範圍為15-30°C。
April 03, 2023, Vientiane, Laos--BioSpring ("BioSpring Group.LTD" "BioSpring Group") is launching BIOLANI (Olapanib 50mg) capsules for the treatment cancer. Olaparib, a medication used in the treatment of cancer. Olaparib is a PARP inhibitor, which means that it inhibits the activity of the PARP enzyme, an enzyme involved in DNA repair. By inhibiting PARP, olaparib can prevent cancer cells from repairing…